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"Alligevel er det Jeffersons Bonds ukuelige skovtrold Puk, der giver denne A Midsummer Night’s Dream den afgørende indsprøjtning af vanvid og utæmmethed... Han står i Botanisk Have og slÃ¥r ud med armene og sprudler af comedyhumor... sÃ¥ han er med til at sørge for, at der i Danmark er engelsksproget teater med bid. Thank you!"

"Yet it is Jefferson's Bond's indomitable forest troll Puk who gives this A Midsummer Night's Dream the decisive injection of madness and untamedness ... He stands in the Botanical Garden and strikes out with his arms and bursts with comedy humor ... so he helps make sure that in Denmark there is English-language theater with a bite. Thank you!"


4 Stars ****





"Jefferson Bond er en sprælsk Puk, forestillingens ukuelige dynamo"


"Jefferson Bond is a lively Puck, the shows endless dynamo of energy"


4 Stars ****


Magasinet KBH

News & Reviews


”Jefferson får dog lov til at spille en lang række af showets sjoveste bikarakterer, der i de mindste bevægelser og detaljer afføder enorme latterkramper fra salen.”


“Jefferson gets to play a long line of the funniest supporting characters, who in their smallest movements and details engenders enormous cramps of laughter from the audience.” (Translated)

5 stars *****


News & Reviews


"Jefferson Bond, Vivienne McKee... and Aussie newcomer Kevin Kiernan-Molloy were the standouts... Jefferson Bond, a stand-up comedian, started like a train … and a dame, affecting a wonderfully comical French accent that really brought the house down...

Bond is a really good singer as well, and the strongest group number of the night was undoubtedly the adaptation of ‘Summer Lovin’’.


Read the whole review here


4 Stars ****



Respected Insight


I ‘Fogg’s Off’ gjorde noget af dette, helt særegne for en Crazy Christmas Cabaret, sig i den grad gældende, når Jefferson Bond i rollen som blandt andet Phileas Fogg, ved hjælp af velplacerede kunstpauser og en selvfed attitude, kørte jokes længere ud eller henvendte sig direkte til publikum.


“In ’Fogg’s Off”, some of the completely peculiar elements of the Crazy Christmas Cabaret was especially present, when Jefferson Bond in the role as Phileas Fogg amongst others by well-placed art breaks and a smug attitude takes the jokes to a further level or addresses the audience directly.” (Translated)





"Som altid er rollebesætningen med topproffessionelle engelske skuespillere; Vivienne McKee, David Bateson, Andrew Jeffers, Bennet Thorpe, Jefferson Bond..."


"As always, with this cast of top professional English actors; Vivienne McKee, David Bateson, Andrew Jeffers, Bennet Thorpe, Jefferson Bond..."


4 Stars ****





"Hos drengene er der også smut med øjet og varme præstationer, .... og Jefferson Bond morer med de løse håndled og skred i hofterne"


“The boys’ presentations are as well with warmth and a glimpse in the eye (…) and Jefferson Bond amuses with loose wrists and loose hips.” (Translated)


5 Stars *****


Morten Buckhø



”Det er i det hele taget et veloplagt skuespillerhold, der - i år uden Vivienne McKee selv på scenen - fyrer løjerne af. Jefferson Bond laver masser af sjove små figurer; både som den rigtige Phileas Fogg, der aldrig kommer længere end til et casino i Monte Carlo, som skønt over-bøsset fransk tjener og ballon-skipper, som gigtplaget britisk konsul i troperne og indisk togkonduktør”


“All in all, it is a vigorous cast that – in this year without Vivienne McKee herself on stage – horses around. Jefferson Bond does many funny, small characters; both as the real Phileas Fogg, who never gets further than a casino in Monte Carlo; as a wonderfully overly gay French waiter and hot air balloon pilot; as an arthritic British consult; and as an Indian train conductor.” (Translated)

4 stars ****




"... hvor Robin Hood render rundt og gemmer sig for Sheriffens folk, når han ikke ind imellem spiller den onde prins John, endnu et badutspring af et identitetsskift for en skuespiller, her Jefferson Bond."


"...where Robin Hood walks around and hides from the Sheriff's people when he does not occasionally play the evil Prince John, yet another impressive identity shift from Jefferson Bond." (Translated)




"...Jefferson Bond og Claus de Lichtenberg går ligesom i øvrigt hele holdet, ind og ud af utallige større og mindre roller."


"...Jefferson Bond and Claus de Lichtenberg, like the rest of the team, morph in and out of countless larger and smaller roles." (Translated)


4 Stars ****


Ned Markwell

Former agent with Kenneth Earl Personal Management, London


"I thoroughly enjoyed your performance at Go Solo, it was a wonderful piece of comic story telling, it really grabbed my attention because the entire style shouldn't have worked. It was full of cheese and most of the jokes were very double percussive and yet you made it work, your charisma and energy were fantastic, I think that with many people that piece would have bombed, but it was in fact one of my favourites."

Go Solo Review
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